This was a great conversation. Well worth listening to.

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Connor, a 50-year old is not a Boomer. We're GenX, the Boomers' first experimental test subjects to find out whether Narcissism is a winning life strategy. If you were born in the 60s, to groovy hippie parents, you're GenX, and there isn't anyone on earth more angry at the Boomers stealing everything than us. We're the ones the Boomers wanted dead, literally; there's a really good reason we're such a tiny demographic that everyone forgets we exist. We're only-children for a reason. Yes, we know exactly what it does to have our parents be the ones who slammed the doors on all our hopes and aspirations in life.

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Great conversation. Have to admit, while moaning about the madness of the Gen Z world, it didn't come from nowhere. It is encouraging at least to see a new rebellious and original spirit heading in the right direction. Also have to accept that 'liberalism' as an idea doesn't work once untethered from any other culture.

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Yes, a great conversation. I left a comment somewhere, but it doesn't appear to have made it here! What I said, in essence, was that listening to two such young men, who are so thoughtful, wise, and honourable, filled me with hope. And I'm well aware, as a Boomer myself, that my generation has failed you. I do hope we can force a change in course before the ship of state--indeed the nation--hits the iceberg. Warmest wishes, as always.

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