Thinking Class
Thinking Class
#30 - Connor Tomlinson - 'The Right Of Gen-Z Will Make Sure We Have A Healthy Civilisation Again'

#30 - Connor Tomlinson - 'The Right Of Gen-Z Will Make Sure We Have A Healthy Civilisation Again'


Hello Classmates.

This week I’m speaking with

. Connor is a writer and presenter at and Co-host of the Deprogrammed podcast by NewCultureForum. Connor has also frequently contributed to Talk TV and GB News, and writes for The European Conservative and The Critic. He also writes the Substack.

In this episode Connor and I talk about why Gen-Z are not so much being anti-civilisational insomuch as they didn't receive a cultural inheritance at all, the impact of the internet and the post 1960s education system on cultural identity, why not all of Gen-Z is woke, why individualism and consumer capitalism has made everyone miserable, why the topdown erosion of Christianity has inflicted great harm on individuals, families, and communities, what the loss of train etiquette tells us about the state of things, why the West needs to abandon liberalism and rediscover an unapologetic faith in its heritage, how finding faith made life immeasurably better, the importance of looking to the past for wisdom to act prudently now and in the future, and why those on the right-wing of Gen-Z are so straight talking.


This was a heck of a ride and one of the most clinical, yet heartfelt podcasts yet. Connor is a deeply impressive young man. Articulate, passionate, and to the point. For those of us who look closely enough, we might see that Gen-Z is not exactly as we've come to expect it is and that perhaps us older generations need to take responsibility for any of its shortcomings. Connor's a positive young voice and smartly dressed to boot.

Enjoy the show Classmates. And don't forget to subscribe.

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Thinking Class
Thinking Class
Thinking Class is a YouTube show and podcast. Join John Gillam to explore what made our civilisation, what is unmaking it, and how leaders should respond to keep it together. Including guests like Ed West, Paul Embery, Frank Furedi, Rakib Ehsan, Esme Partridge, and Tom Owolade.