Welcome back to Thinking Class, dear Classmates.
joins Thinking Class for this instalment. Charlie is the co-founder of the think tank , which is "committed to controlling and reducing immigration to the United Kingdom".In this episode, Charlie and I talk about why there is only a hair's breadth between the Conservative Party and the Labour Party on immigration policy; how the negative impacts of mass immigration can be seen in the crime statistics, the performance of the National Health Service, living standards, the tax bill of Britain's, and the changing landscape; how a combination of mass immigration and multiculturalism has left young British people without a sense of identity, and why this explains the rise of the 'Anglo-Zoomer'; how the Overton Window on how to respond to legal and illegal immigration has radically shifted now that deportation programs are being spoken of in the mainstream; and why Zoomers on the right do not buy into the doomerism that Britain is done and that their rise is inevitable, and much, much more. Enjoy the show Classmates.
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