Thinking Class
Thinking Class
#031 - Ben Cobley - We Are Suffering The Institutional Erasure Of The English

#031 - Ben Cobley - We Are Suffering The Institutional Erasure Of The English

Hello classmates. In this episode I'm speaking with

. Ben writes the blog, A Free Left Blog, the Substack , and is author of The Tribe, The Liberal Left and the System of Diversity. Ben is a journalist by trade and a former Labour Party activist.

In this episode, Ben and I talk about Being English and Englishness, what it is and how it has come under threat from the spread of progressive ideologies, what it means to be a part of a nation, why there might be a hostility toward the English and Englishness, the impact of liberalism on England and the world, the difficulty of finding the language to explain something deeply felt, the impact of modernity and cultural disintegration, the feeling of overpopulation in a small country, why Ben joined the Labour Party and why he left, and more.


Much, much more. For any of you who find Englishness comforting, funny, ridiculous, or kitsch, then, well, you're in for a treat. Because listening back, I noticed Ben andI were frequently, and without realising it, as stereotypically English as you could possibly get. “Sorry for interrupting”. “No, please, you go”. And being very self-deprecating in our humour at every opportunity.

his episode is more of a personal exploration as to what it feels like as an Englishman in a modern world taken with globalised ideals.

Enjoy the show Classmates. And don't forget to subscribe.

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Thinking Class
Thinking Class is a YouTube show and podcast. Join John Gillam to explore what made our civilisation, what is unmaking it, and how leaders should respond to keep it together. Including guests like Peter Hitchens, Eric Kaufmann, Connor Tomlinson, Ed West, Paul Embery, Frank Furedi, Lionel Shriver, David Goodhart.