Thinking Class
Thinking Class
#037 - Chris Martz - Why We Must Say No To Climate Alarmism

#037 - Chris Martz - Why We Must Say No To Climate Alarmism

Hello classmates. Today I'm speaking with Chris Martz. Chris is a meteorology student who interns at CFACT, a committee for a constructive tomorrow, runs a hugely popular x profile, and writes the climate blog

In this episode Chris and I talk about his passion for climate science and meteorology began and how he was concerned about the increasing talk of climate change, how his mind began to change as he was exposed to more data sets, how data shows a disconnect between the narrative on all-time high temperatures in the U S and the reality of historic weather data, the red herrings within renewable energy policy, why he disagrees with climate hoaxers, how policy goals to combat climate change are environmentally harmful in their own ways and how in some way may have even contributed to increasing temperatures, and the motivations and ideologies behind the climate crisis narrative, and much, much more.


Chris is only 21, and he is very impressive. He's clearly got a big future ahead of him, from what I can see and hear from his rapidly growing public profile. While Chris challenges the perceived wisdom and climate change using data, I wouldn't describe him as a partisan per se, nor someone who is a climate denier to use common parlance, but rather someone who'd rather engage in scientific endeavour rather than following the more partisan position of following the science. If you can't research and present data that challenges and critiques policy and interpretation of data, then you're not really doing science. So I think we need more people like Chris.

Enjoy the show Classmates. And don't forget to subscribe.

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Thinking Class
Thinking Class is a YouTube show and podcast. Join John Gillam to explore what made our civilisation, what is unmaking it, and how leaders should respond to keep it together. Including guests like Ed West, Paul Embery, Frank Furedi, Rakib Ehsan, Esme Partridge, and Tom Owolade.